Podcast Archives - Page 57 of 75 - The Copywriter Club
TCC Podcast #107.5: The Copywriter Underground
Just a short introduction to The Copywriter Underground and an invitation to join our...
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TCC Podcast #107: the Instagram-ification of copywriting with Joel Klettke
Copywriter Joel Klettke shares his thoughts with Kira and Rob about how copywriters like...
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TCC Podcast #106: Using psychology in your copy with Kirsty Fanton
Copywriter Kirsty Fanton joins Kira and Rob to talk about psychology in copy in...
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TCC Podcast #105: Going from copywriter to consultant with Sage Polaris
Copywriter Sarah Grear is back for a second appearance on The Copywriter Club Podcast. Kira...
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TCC Podcast #104: Writing seductive copy with Colin Theriot
Copywriter Colin Theriot joins Rob and Kira for the 104th episode of The Copywriter Club...
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TCC Podcast #103: Building an information business with Belinda Weaver
Copywriter, course creator, and coach, Belinda Weaver joins Kira and Rob for the 103rd...
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