When most writers think about ghostwriting, they think books. But there’s a huge opportunity to ghost for business leaders who need content… articles, blog posts, speeches and more. In this episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Rob is talking with Allison Evelyn (Ally) about how she pivoted from Day Rates and standard copy projects to ghost writing for clients—and how she’s leveraging that work to ghostwrite books in the future. Click the play button below, or scroll down for a full transcript.
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Rob Marsh: When you think of ghost writing, do you think of books? If so, you’re thinking small. This is The Copywriter Club Podcast.
We’ve talked with several copywriters, from time to time, over the past eight years who have talked about ghost writings. Most of those episodes focused on large projects like ghostwriting books—the in-depth process for writing a book and connecting with the kiinds of clients who need help from someone who can write their book. But ghost writing is more than that. Ghost writing includes any project where a writer steps into the shoes of their client to write something in their name. It can be blog posts, articles published online, emails, webinar scripts and more.
When you look beyond the book world, the opportunity for ghost writers is huge. Landing these clients isn’t dramatically different from the way that you find, pitch and close regular clients… though there are differences. Usually, as a ghost writer, you’re not writing for lower level employees. Rather, you’re writing for founders, CEOs and other high-level thinkers, so your work needs to be able to reflect that. In fact, your pitches may need to include ideas and insights that a client can use to show up as a thought-leader in their business and niche. Landing work with a ghost-writing clients means you need to show up and be recognized at this higher level.
My guest for this week is Allison Evelyn, that’s her professional name— she mostly goes by Ally. Ally’s been on the podcast before when we talked about an earlier version of her business. Over the past four or five years, the kind of work she does and the kinds of clients she works with has changed quite a bit. When we recorded that earlier episode, Ally was a member of The Copywriter Think Tank. She also taught several workshops about day rates and the kind of work copywriters can get done on those kinds of projects (one of those workshops is in The Copywriter Underground today). With all the changes she’s seen in her business and her personal life, I was excited to catch up with Ally and learn more about her role as a ghostwriter for some prominent online voices. I wish we could talk about a few of them by name, but as a ghost writer, you usually need to stay behind the scenes so your clients can shine.
Even if you’re not interested in ghost writing for clients, a lot of what Ally shares in this interview about working with clients, applies to the normal back and forth with all clients and if you put her suggestions to work in your business, I promise, you’ll be more successful. Make sure you take notes as you listen to this one.
As usual, this episode is brought to you by The Copywriter Underground. No matter what kind of copywriting business you want for yourself, The Underground is packed with resources to show up as a business owner—not just a freelancer, find clients, and solve big problems that clients are happy to pay big money to get off their plates. From copywritingn and business templates to get you started (including a legal document and a proven onboarding process) to workshops to help you build your authority, attract clients, create products and services your clients want to buy, and more—The Underground is like a starter-kit for your business… or a complete business-in-a-box that you can plug into your own business and hit play. As questions come up, you have access to our private slack community, monthly group coaching, and regular feedback on your copy. I’ve been inside a lot of memberships and The Underground is the best value for content writers and copywriters I’ve ever seen. You can learn more at thecopywriterclub.com/tcu
And now, my interview with Allison Evelyn…
Rob Marsh: Ally, welcome back to the podcast. You were here Well, see, it’s been a long time. So episode 172 and we were talking about launching, I think you were launching your first program, but a lot has happened since, not just like work wise, personally, years have passed. Catch us up. What’s going on in your copywriting life?
Allison Evelyn: Yes, so dearest listener, we were just talking about how before, when we talked, and then I was a panelist at The Copywriter Club In Real Life, which was wild because it was early 2020. At the time. I was a New Yorker. I was living in New York. I was power walking in Adidas. I was launching programs and having memberships and doing day rates. And then. Since I have moved on in life, moved to Arizona. I am now in cowgirl boots all the time. I line dance. I met a man. We got married just at the time this airs, it’ll be about five months ago that we got married, and I am now, after being in the tech world for a while, gone back to my roots of ghost writing. And so that’s what we’re gonna dive into today, and I’m really excited about it.
But I do think it’s almost apt that I’ve gone back to my roots of ghost riding, because now, at this point, at the day of our conversation, I have been a California born native in the Bay Area. I have bicycled the beaches living in SoCal, I power walked in New York City. I road triped the country for eight months alone with my cat and all these other states. And now I’m living this Arizona country dancer life. I think all of our experiences channel into what we’re meant to do and what we’re meant to do, and how we show up as copywriters and ghost writers. And part of mine has been being many different people, even as me, let alone ghost writing, for other people,
Rob Marsh:I don’t think this is an uncommon thing for copywriters. Obviously, we come from a wide range of backgrounds, and oftentimes we’ve lived two or three lives, or we’ve had two or three different careers or whatever, as we come to it. So it’s interesting that you mention that as an intro into ghost writing, because ghost writing involves basically stepping into the boots of another person, another person’s life, and telling the story or talking as if you’re them. So let’s talk about how you get started? We’ll talk about ghost writing books in a minute, but, and that’s what most people think about, when they think of a ghost writer, they’re thinking, oh, right, I’ll write a book. But there’s so many ways to do this. I mentioned before we started recording. I used to ghost write blog posts for a CEO. So let’s talk just ghost writing across the board. You know? What does it involve? And how do we get started? That’s a really big question.
Allison Evelyn: Yes, absolutely. And I would guess there’s quite a number of people listening who are currently more identifying as copywriters or content creators. And this morning, I was rooting down. I really wanted to feel really prepared and just hunkered before this conversation. So I had this, like, coffee and I was like, coffee shop, and I was writing through, okay? What to me is the difference between copywriting and ghost writing. And I think what it boils down is, at least in my spirit, when I’m copywriting or ghost writing, copywriting is like, you’re helping create this brand. You’re capturing the essence, but you’re often helping to build it right? You’re helping determine if there’s an almond pancake batter company, like, are they a sassy one, or are they more organic based right? You’re helping create and determine the story.
But a ghost writer is like this real person or an organization or group, but most often, right, an individual who you’re already working with a voice like a real, living, breathing person who has an essence, and rather than creating it, you’re often helping to understand and extract who is that actual person? Because, as we know and we will talk about, a lot of people we know do not write how they talk like the real person they are is one way, and when we’re ghost writing, some of the resistance we’re going to face, and some of the pushback methods I’m going to talk about is helping people actually be who they are and tell like the real stories of who they are. But I think a lot of us were getting started, if we’ve been in copywriting, you know, we think of, okay, we’re, we’re creating a voice, we’re, we’re creating a persona. And then ghost writing, you’re kind of shifting into a lot more question asking and going, Okay, who is this person? What am I pulling out?
For me, my own journey, I’m going to be honest, I became a ghost writer and did not know it, because I didn’t know the term. And to your point, I thought ghost writing was for books only. So when people asked, Hey, could you come and write this article for me? A magazine asked for me to put forward an article and do a layout. Can you write that? For me? I didn’t know that was ghost writing. I still thought that was just content creation.
So just a shout out. Some of you could be ghost writers and you don’t actually know it, or haven’t realized it, and for getting into it, I think a lot of it is like naturally, when we’re working with people on copywriting projects, or we’re creating content. Some of it is just offering and putting it out there. Hey, you have articles coming up? Have you done video scripts? Like, we start putting things out that are just more personal, that are from the person. Hey, I’ve been working on social media. Hey, I’ve been working on a landing page. Or I’ve been working on ABC. But what about emails in your voice? What about articles from you? What things are building your thought leadership that I could ghost write for you and capture your voice? Because I think we would be shocked. I mean, Rob, you won’t be shocked, but a lot of us might be shocked. How many people it terrifies them to write in their own voice.
Rob Marsh: Yeah, for sure. As I’m thinking about this, there’s a really crucial distinction between creating content and creating content in another person’s voice. But also, there’s a thing that I and some clients certainly deal with—when I hire somebody to write in my voice, the few times that I’ve done it, even though what I get back is really good, it doesn’t always sound to me, like me. I know I have really frustrated a couple of copywriters who have written things for me and I’ll go in and I’ll change it to make it sound more like something I wrote. So maybe this is not a common thing, but possibly it is. I’m guessing that the questions or the way you get to know your clients helps you overcome that. So can we talk a little bit about that? Let’s say we’ve been hired to ghost some content. How do you ensure that you’re actually capturing their voice and not your voice?
Allison Evelyn: Yes, this is hands down. I’ve been doing this for over a decade now, and the number one question you nailed it is this very tentative, cautious voice that says, hey, because they don’t want to offend you, or they’re trying to be careful, or they’ve been scarred, and they say, how are you going to sound like me? Though? Like, yeah, how are you going to get my voice? And so often, I’m sure, Rob, you’ve seen it. A lot of our listeners have experienced this in similar ways or other ways. This is the most personal thing, right? Our voice, our words. Hiring someone to do an accountant job or bookkeeping, there’s even a designer like designers, yes, there’s personal, but it’s another level of emotion that goes into these are my words. This is who I am.
It’s a very identity based thing that they’re hiring for. And there is a lot of fear. There’s so much there’s so much fear, for certain, because as humans, we care so much about perception, right and how people are perceiving us and understanding us. I once did well, ironically, ghost driving for a public speaker, because she was amazed with public speaking, but she really questioned herself when it came to writing. And she said, The reason public speaking is the number one fear in the world is because, at a biological level, you are standing on a stage with all your organs exposed, which sounds so your aorta and your spleen there’s like all your organs are exposed. And based on how people perceive you, when they think of you, you’re all vulnerable. You can be killed. And I think a lot of us are that way with writing, of how I’m perceived, what are people going to think? And is a biological fear.
So when people ask this on repeat, I’m definitely not frustrated or offended or over the question. My heart just goes, oh, oh, this like, yeah, they’re just scared. So what I tell them is this, and then I’ll share some exact methods I use. Because, as we talked about, I just do some weird things and some funky things I don’t know. I don’t think they’re typical for a long time. I mean, before I was in The Copywriter Mastermind, I didn’t go to copywriter school, so I feel like I just did weird, scrappy things that ended up working. So what I always tell people is, I start with, “hey, I want you to know I’m not here to be me. I’m here to obsess on exactly who you are and how you sound when we talk about feedback. I cannot be offended. I want to know what’s you is you, the real, genuine you” and I share some of the things I do to help capture it, but I really emphasize to them, “I am not here to be offended.” And then I ask honestly, like, “Are there reasons you’re nervous? Are there concerns you want to share with me?” Because I cannot even put into a number count. How many people have shared, they hired someone and sounded nothing like them. They took their LinkedIn profile and, you know, tweaked it. They, you know, didn’t sound like them. And when they tried to give feedback, the person got mad at them. You know, all story after story of like, scarring. And so I just really encourage anyone who’s listening and you’re interested in being a ghost writer or growing in your ghost writing capacity, you are the consultant. You’re the authority here, and you get to ask questions and lead the conversation. And like, with like, a true, sincere, full heart of like, hear their fear, ask things back to them. Let’s find out what’s going on, like, dive into it. Because a lot of people have had experiences that were rough and it didn’t sound like them or the person was offended.
For some things that I do to obsess and get into their mind. So one, I’m obsessed with tangents. I usually plan for the first call to be 90 minutes, because the first 45 minutes is usually the person telling their story, and it’s a story they’ve grown very comfortable with. They probably tell it all the time. It’s familiar. It might not even sound like them anymore. It could be them from a few years ago. I went into this, and then this is my journey, and here’s _____. So I let them get it out of their system. Honestly, I’m just we’re getting it out of the system. It’s like clockwork, about 40 to 45 minutes. Then I can start the real dive into their voice.
Once we get that 45 minutes in, I’m like, “Oh my gosh. Hold up. You mentioned this,” and I often try to point to things that at first might be a bit of a quote tangent. So let’s say you were writing for someone who is a health practitioner and they work with women who are pregnant or that they’re a doula, something like that. I don’t first go into, I don’t want to go so deep only on their actual expertise, like for an article, I want to start asking them side questions, because what happens is, we are, if we’re being interviewed, we’re naturally going into this more formal way of speaking, like, I’m sure, the way each of us talk on a formal interview, especially if we were younger, and we’re being protective of our voice. It is not the way we talk to our friends and family.
Rob Marsh: More than that, I think sometimes we hold back because we’re afraid to get vulnerable, or afraid to make ourselves look less than competent, or say something that might make people question our expertise. There’s all kinds of reasons, I think that somebody would hold back.
Allison Evelyn: Yes, exactly. There are so many reasons. And as a ghost writer, some of those things are going to start to come out, or naturally will come out, because you’re going to be tapping into things that are emotional, especially to get the stories and the thing that the person actually does want, right? The client wants to be real. They want to be themselves. But it’s often a little harder not what they expect to get there. Because if they’re used to, you know, being interviewed, or they want to put their story across, they’re not always seeing themselves and let’s, like, it’s still, it’s at the classic, you know, inside the jar or the peanut butter jar, you can’t see the label, right? If you’re the peanut butter, you’re tucked in the jar. You can’t see that you’re, like, the crunchy cinnamon. You just know your peanut butter. So we’re helping them see that they’re crunchy cinnamon. And so I love to put, like, go out in these tangents a little bit I need to, like, get them out of their typical elevator pitch, their typical story mind. So they mentioned, like, North Carolina, and they’re like, oh, you know when I was there, that’s when we transitioned, and we live by the beach. You’re like, Oh, one second, you live North Carolina by the beach. Tell me. Like, were you a surfer? Like, I just, like, throw in these questions. And they’re like, Oh my gosh. I actually always wanted to be like, and their real voice will start coming out, and you have record, it’s great. So you’re getting in their real voice.
We need to just break it up, because we’ll come back to their industry. We’re gonna come back to the article, back to the book, we’re gonna come back to the things we’re writing about. But we need to, we need to loosen up. We need to, like, get a break, to release their real voice.
I’m almost seeing it like, you know, glow sticks. So I got married five months ago… we had glow sticks for all the kids, which, of course, the adults also ended up picking up and wearing naturally with 17 kids at our wedding. And so glow sticks everywhere. You have to break it to get it to light up, but it’s with love, right? You’re breaking it with love, so we need to break it up. So get them talking about different things. And that is so much of my favorite part of what gets used in the ghost writing process, because now you’re writing an article or the book, right? Or the email that is from that person, from that expert. And we get to drop in these nuggets that are really them, of like, you know, if you want to be healthy, the way I always wanted to be a surfer when I lived in North Carolina. And we only get those. We break them out of, like, their the usual spiel, which I sounds derogatory, but it just true. We really do tend to get comfortable in certain spiels in our stories. So one, I get them on tangents.
I love to get voice memos or to talk to people while they are walking. This is so game changing. There is so much power in walking. And you talk to this person, you get the interview. You go, Hey, I’m working a few things. I’m gonna follow up with some questions, and I want you to do something that’s gonna sound weird. I would like you to do a voice memo while you are walking. And I think when we are on a computer, or we’re in front of someone at a coffee shop, we’re in, we’re in this more formal interview mode. I think there’s studies on this, but even just in personal experience, I think a lot of us can relate. Where do a lot of us have the best conversations, the most raw, honest ones? To me, it’s in the car, because you have two people who are looking forward. Relationship experts will say, especially for men, there is a freedom to be more open and vulnerable when we don’t have someone staring us in the face.
Rob Marsh: I hadn’t thought of that. That’s probably true.
Allison Evelyn: Yeah, there’s something just… your eyes can wander. You’re looking at open space, if you’re collecting your thoughts or you need to pause, because a lot of us, if we’re telling stories, we need to pause for a moment, and we feel awkward if someone’s just staring at us in front of us, but if we’re walking, if we’re driving, there’s an openness. And I believe the environment dictates a lot of how we feel. So if we want to be open, what’s a great way to do that is an environment outside that’s open. So I love sending questions, a few core questions, like, tell me about a time when… and give some specific story examples and then tell them to go on a walk. I know it’ll be weird. I call it out, I acknowledge everything I believe in over communicating with my clients and for why I’m asking them to do things. Like, I want to get you out of the house. I want to get you off of your computer. I want to get you away from it and just share word vomit. Don’t overthink it, because the more someone is walking and talking and others staring at dogs, and then they run into their neighbor like you are going to get a more real and real version of who that person is. To capture their voice.
Rob Marsh: This is probably the wrong time to ask this question, maybe a little bit backward, or maybe I should have started here. But before we go too much farther in this whole process, it occurs to me that there are a lot of companies that buy content and they’re producing content, or they’re hiring copywriters to write content from their company perspective that really ought to be doing more ghost writing from the founder perspective, or maybe from, you know, some other team member who’s you’re part of the face of the company. When you’re ghost writing or you’re working with clients. Do you wait for clients to realize that? Or is there some conversation that you have with a company that that you’re saying, hey, look, rather than looking at this blog post from the company perspective. I actually think this should be coming from the CEO. And if it’s, if it’s that discussion, what does that discussion sound like?
Allison Evelyn: Yes, absolutely. And the next kind of methods I can share about that I’ll go into are, if you don’t have that control, because there’s a lot of people, if it’s personal, right, you can ask them to take a walk. You can ask some people, as you to your point where sometimes it could be the CEO. You’re working with a big company. You don’t always have a certain level of access to someone to dive in and the time. So there are definitely things we can do to still capture their voice to sound like them. So just want to make that note, yes, that is a I have that conversation all the time, all the time I remember, like last year alone, I should have just started doing a little tally on my wall, like in chalk or something, of the amount of times I go, Hey, I and this is kind of my language for talking to people is I love that we’re going to talk about this piece I love, we’re going to channel this I love. This is your mission. Can I be really honest with you? I think that’s probably one of my go to phrases, because it’s probably surprising if people say no. I think most people want you to be honest with them, right?
Rob Marsh: Yeah, can I be honest with you? No, actually, I would like you to continue lying to me. Not. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard that answer yet
Allison Evelyn: Exactly. Or, like, No, I want to be in denial. Or, No, I don’t want to face insert, so can be honest with you? I’ve never had someone say no yet. So yes, I’m like, I’d like to share something, and it might be different. So I always do a little context. I do a little lead in, because there are certain things, if we just slap on someone, they might react. So I think it’s important if it’s something that maybe they’ve maybe they have written as the company for a long time. I mean, there was a company I talked to about this, and they had literally 30 years. They had written third person Wow as the company. So, you know, we also be mindful of like, where we’re coming into, what’s the context. And so if it’s something new, something that could trigger defensiveness or fear our but, and I’ll, I mean, I almost always hear the same thing, so I will definitely share. What I the objection I always hear, and it’s funny, because we always end up ghost writing as them after we, you know, go through a few more questions, and they sit with it usually is, is like, Hey, I, you know, give that context, I’m going to share something that might feel a little bit different. Am I feel uncomfortable, and I’m going to tell you why I think this is going to be a huge important thing for your business. Um, but I think it’s going to be something really amazing, even if it’s a little uncomfortable at first, and they’re like, okay, okay, you know, you’re you’re gearing up a little bit. I think uncomfortable is a good world word, because it’s not bad, it’s not terrible, it’s just uncomfortable for a lot of people to have a voice, or if it’s a marketing person going, I don’t know if the CEO will want that, you know, just uncomfortable. And then I want to, you know, third person is this general company. It’s a general mass. It’s not somewhere speaking to and I’ll be so direct if it’s the CEO who’s separate, or often, is the person on the call even going, you are the leader. People want to name. They want a face. They want someone they can talk to. And I’ll give examples of companies that I know they can relate to. I will give them hey, this person from this company. Think about email from this company. Like humans. We want a face. We want a name. We want someone to hear from. We want something personal—especially in this world of AI and mass numbers and volume. And oftentimes, when it’s the CEO or the founder, it is really them that a lot of people first found out about the company, or it’s why they’re drawn to the company.
And so I call it out, and it almost always makes them uncomfortable. They usually are like, no, no, I don’t want to make it about me. So hey, like they it’s you, like, your voice, your story, your perspective. It means something. It creates the human experience, the human touch. And that is the objection I get, is the number one objection I hear when you are pushing back and challenging. Let’s make this first person ghost writing, not this third person ominous. I will say blob. That sounds like a sad, negative connotation, an ominous blob of a company, right where you don’t know anybody. It’s like a massive thing. The thing is, they don’t usually want to make it about themselves. So many times I have heard CEOs founders say, no, no, I must be about the team. It’s about the heart. It’s about the mission. I don’t want to plaster my face on everything. I don’t want to make it about me. And often what I’ll tell them is whether or not they like it. It does come down to them. It is often about them, like whether they’re a known CEO or less known like the founder, their story like that is what people care about. I think about charity water. Anyone listening? Rob, if you know Charity Water?
Rob Marsh: Yeah, it’s a great charity. I mean, if you’re looking for a charity to donate to, it’s at the top. It’s an amazing charity.
Allison Evelyn: Yes, it’s so good. And the reason I think so many of us even know about charity water and have a heart for them is his name’s Scott Harrison. He is so open with his story. Like, when I think of Charity Water, I see his face. I think of Scott. I think of their YouTube ads. It was one of the few full length, very long YouTube ads I have ever watched. Was Scott telling his story of being a club promoter and being in this nightlife and like living this wild, you know, light, he goes into all the details, and then his transformation, and then going around the world and seeing this need, and there, that story is what got my heart into charity water. But honestly, if they had just stayed corporate, yeah, that did good in the world, it would not hit the same it just wouldn’t. And so I think going back to you have ownership as a ghostwriter, as a copywriter, you know you’re an expert, you are being paid to lead someone like you are being paid not to be dominated by this person’s voice. You are being paid and invested in to host this voice and give your insights and to be honest with people like even if they find it at first, even it’s uncomfortable, it’s like, if you were hiring a financial advisor and you were throwing money at something that they see, is going to like be a poor reason for insert a, b and c. You want them to be honest. You want them to tell you, hey, I really don’t think you should do this. Here’s why it’s a good thing to lead people. And so I have that conversation a lot of saying, Your voice matters, your story is what’s going to draw people in. Why you founded this company, who you are, your experience. I know it’s uncomfortable, but already it is actually about or from you a lot. And so can you let us try telling that story? Are you open to letting us try it this way? So I think there’s a lot of that kind of language I implement to soften it.
Rob Marsh: That makes sense. As you’re talking, I’m thinking about the companies with CEOs that really stand out, like they’re in the lead, you know, companies like, you know, Apple and Steve Jobs, right? Or Amazon, Jeff Bezos, for better or worse. You know, Elon Musk’s companies like people who are and and as I’m thinking through this idea of, should a company have ghosted content or plain content, it seems like those companies that don’t that are maybe more generic, the IBM’s and Hewlett Packard’s or whatever, their founders have moved on, and so it feels like it’s really natural, if we’re working with founders, people who are running their own companies, they’ve started it like it should be their voice. There’s probably an argument for those other companies where the founders moved on, that there should be another voice, you know, a leader that personalizes that brand. But I mean, this isn’t even really a question, is, I’m just kind of working through this in my brain, like, who should you know, who are the great clients for somebody who wants to go strike content? And again, if you’ve got a founder, it’s like a no brainer,
Allison Evelyn: Absolutely, and especially, I mean, a founder is a great person, because as a founder, they have a lot else on their plate, even just if we go logistically, not even skill set wise, but logistically, a founder is having vision. They are hiring. They’re running the teams like we know that ghost writing, good, impactful content and words, it takes a lot of time, whether that is an article, whether that’s an ebook, whether it’s a full length book, a founder who’s running, even if it’s a tiny company or really large company, they don’t have that space and bandwidth, and oftentimes the skill set is different, right? A lot of my people who are founders, they’re visionaries, in a sense of like, the big picture, they’re directing people. They’re directing teams and writing there is vision. And also we are detail oriented. We are sitting there googling synonyms or using Cloud AI for, like, what is the perfect word for this one headline? Like, it’s a deep focus work. So I think it’s a great fit for ghost writers for people who are founders of companies.
Rob Marsh: Another thing that occurs to me—the difference between copywriting and ghost writing is the emphasis on stories so regular content you can say the thing or tell the thing. Obviously that’s not best practice with copywriting, but it happens a lot in the content world with ghost writing. Really, the way to personalize is, I mean, the whole reason to even have a ghost writer is to pull out these stories. So, you know, let’s, can we talk a little bit about what you do to get people’s stories out and tell their stories in unique ways?
Allison Evelyn: Yes, I am such a story addict. I’m sure a lot of us are. Of us, we’re gathered here. You know, whether wherever you are in the world, and whether you’re doing dishes or you’re driving or walking, you’re probably nodding, because as writers, we are storytellers. I am the person who I’m with at coffee shops, and I’m in my work, and then sometimes I’ll pop up my headphones because there are great conversations going on around me. And I am, I’m taking it all in. I’m absorbing. I’m making notes. So I did a lot of my road trips, since I was road tripping alone for over six months, I would go to these random spots and sit outside and I just have, I have notes on notes in my phone of stories, right that we’re capturing. And I think there are different ways to capture stories, for ghost writing, right for their content, whatever the format is, in different ways.
So let’s say it’s someone you don’t have as much access to, or you have more limited time. I love going deep into just all of their presence on the Internet. And that doesn’t have to be new. In fact, I think there’s a lot of beauty of going farther back, so going deep back through someone’s social media channels, going way deep back in their Instagram, where they might have even been in another company or lived another life, that’s actually really great content, because you can see their background, get these stories, or all These things you can drop and pop into their content, and they will be mind blown. I’m telling you, they will go, how did you even know that about me? Oh, my gosh. Like, yes, this is actually about my life. Because they will be so shocked on how well you’ve gotten to know them in ways they didn’t, wouldn’t, they wouldn’t even think to tell you, because you go back five years and you see, oh, like they were a kickboxing instructor. And you’re like, going back to the classes they used to teach, and now you can reference in their ghost writing, like, Oh, I’m going to blank.
You know, it’s funny. I used to go to this boxing gym back in Detroit. And they’re like, how did you even know that? And. You, it’s all going back through. Also, if they’ve been on YouTube, if they’ve been on podcasts, you know, anything you can do to get their voice? I will literally just play my clients YouTube videos while I’m writing as them, just just because I’m hearing their voice. So the more that I hear their voice and their words, it just fills my brain with them, and then I’ll make notes on phrases I notice tend to repeat, on words they tend to say. So for example, there’s someone I was ghost writing as, and she has a podcast, and I noticed that when she talks about a memory, she always says whenever I was blank, so I would write that down. So then I read her email and go, you know, whenever I was blank and like those, like capturing the exact phrases people use that honestly, y’all they probably don’t even know that they use. Like they probably don’t even know they say certain things. I have a client who is from the north of Ireland, and it’s so fun to get to go straight as her because my family’s from Ireland. So I am half channeling, tapping into my own family and my aunts. And things I naturally notice from, you know, going back and forth to Ireland my whole life, certain very Irish phrases. So she will say certain things, like the way she says like, she will insert like, like, oh, like, Oh, my, oh, my blank or oh, this, like, she has these very certain phrases she uses. And I write them down, and then I put them through her copy, and I remember the voice memo I got from her one day when she said, this is, I did not know I said these things are unique. Oh, she has a very global audience. I go, Oh, yeah, they’re very you, and they’re very Irish. She goes, Are they really and, like, first of all, what you just said was very Irish, yes, like, it is. So I think any things you can do to take notes and really analyze the patterns of how people speak makes a big difference, plus they are very specific, tangible references to things in their life.
Rob Marsh: So as you’re working with these clients and ghost writing for them, are you bringing them ideas to write about, saying, Hey, I you know I noticed this about you, or notice this about the market? Everybody’s talking about this thing, I think we should address it. Or are you letting them dictate what you’re writing, and you’re just contextualizing it to their voice.
Allison Evelyn: What I would say tends to happen is people have a general idea of what they think they’re going to talk about, and there is sort of this co-creating that ends up happening because they might come in and say, Hi, I am launching this. I need emails, articles, you know, ghost written on this topic, and or, you know, with this book, I see talking about this. But then as you start talking to them, as you start really getting to the heart of what they want to say, what’s going on so very often, a different, at least a semi different story starts to come out. Like themes start to come forward, like there’s something they keep bringing up, like you start to see where it actually ends up going and going, okay, actually, I know you’re saying you want to talk about this, but it sounds like this is coming up a lot. Look at these questions.
Because, let’s say it’s someone who has a community, like an app, and you go through that app and you see that these members are all talking about one thing. You’re like, hey, but this is a big question. So why don’t we address that? And we can kind of merge it with, you know, you’re launching this thing, but let’s like, speak to the real question going on. AI is a great example, right? Ai, like any major technology in the history of our world, flipped all these people in its head. So if I was taught doing a business launch, and I’m launching something on pricing my programs, and all of these people are fresh to AI coming out and are freaking out that what is going to happen to business are robots are taking over the world, because that was the number one phrase I heard when I was deep in with tech clients and apps, are robots taking over the world. And if we don’t mention that, it seems almost a little odd, and we can still talk about the launch. So like, Hey, we’re launching this program. You’re going to talk about articles and articles, you’re gonna talk about your business perspective. But like, I know you have thoughts in AI, I know you said this in your private, you know, consulting calls in your group membership, like, why don’t we tap into that? So I think there is, like, this element of kind of co-creating with the person, where you’re bringing ideas and you’re bringing things forward and, you know, kind of going off of like, what their intention is. Because, in my experience, people aren’t usually showing up with no vision, right? Especially like a founder or someone like that. They usually have some goal they’re working towards, like some intention. They’re not usually purely going, I have no idea what to say. I just need words in the world. Yeah.
Rob Marsh: I know you like tangents, so I’m going to tangent here on AI for a second. Since you mentioned, you mentioned both tangents and AI. So do you use AI at all in your process for ghosting? And I mean, the reason I ask is obviously like, if I hired you to write for me, you could take a bunch of podcast episodes or some of the trainings that I’ve done in the copywriter underground. You plug those transcripts into AI and have it identify, like a lot of those quirky things that I say, maybe it’s some of the things I hate that I say, you know, as I listen back to myself. But obviously, when you tell people sometimes things, they say, they go, Oh, I don’t like them, but it’s you. I see my transcripts, and I know how often I say dumb little phrases as fillers, and it drives me crazy. But do you use AI like that at all? Or are you all in on it’s you’re a human. I’m a human. We’re human created.
Allison Evelyn: I see I had this metaphor come out of my mouth recently. I don’t remember where, somewhere virtual coffee shop, not sure. But my sort of metaphor that came out for AI was, it’s like the mannequin in a shop. So you’re walking, you’re walking in the mall. It’s like, you know, it’s high school. You have an idea for, you know, like, oh, I want to wear something to insert event. And you see a mannequin, and someone took the mannequin and sort of said, Oh, you could wear it like this. Here’s an idea. But if you walk in and really just take the outfit one, it might not even fit you, like it might be. I mean, I could be for someone who’s six foot one and I am five foot five, like that is not going to work, um, or there might be elements that aren’t quite right, or like that, that that is I love the skirt, but like that’s not really my favorite color. I’d wear it in this color. And so I see AI as this great way to prompt suggestions. And I don’t use it as much. I know people who use it a lot more, more than me. I’m sure less I really use it at times… I just use it. My wording is, it gets my juices flowing. It’s kind of like the mannequin I see the mannequin I see the outfit. I’m like, Oh, I hadn’t thought about polka dots with stripes. Oh, maybe I could combine other patterns. And then I it gets my brain thinking, so with AI certain things, I mean, honestly, I use it so much for synonyms, or if there’s a phrase I keep somehow saying the same, like word strategies, like, Oh, what are other ways if I’m trying to talk about strategies that I you know, and like getting those sort of ideas. I think sometimes, if you’re trying to get a really basic framework, just to map out, like format. So for example, I remember one time I used it because I was mapping out a webinar for someone. I was writing everything out for them in their voice, and I’m like, Okay, I know I need to have a webinar. I also know I tend to go over on slides. I’m like, at 30 slides. Only give me 30 slides. 30 slides. We’re gonna break into a story at the beginning. We’re gonna talk about five things, and then we are gonna need to wrap it up with a call to action. And what AI did is it just mapped it out in terms of, like, literally, like, Okay, you probably want about five slides for the story, this many slides for this. And honestly, I just saved myself, you know, 30 to 40 minutes of mapping something out that’s really not when my brain needs to go like, the client has hired me because they want me to extract their voice and do that, and that’s not really, there’s nothing they’re gaining from it. If AI did that formatting, or if I did sort of like, I think about going to the doctor’s office, how long do you see the doctor in an appointment?
Rob Marsh: Not actually that long.
Allison Evelyn: Unfortunately, only a couple of minutes, right?
It’s pretty sure, because they know the doctor has such an expertise that they just need them in the room for when they need them. Someone else checks you in, right? Someone else checks your insurance. Someone else takes your vitals, like, all these steps. So I think AI is like, my vitals, taker of like, okay, maybe it maps this out, gets my juices flowing with like, oh man. These headlines are sounding ratchet in my brain. Let me try some new things, or give me some synonyms, or, like, just some prompts. But then when I’m bringing out the stories and I’m getting their quirks, I’m going in, um, at this point, like, you know, I really instill most it’s me and my brain, because I feel like the way we are gonna pull it out and bring it in is, you know, AI, yes, is a tool, but we are like a human with insight. We’re talking to someone, we’re hearing their real voice. We have all these stories in our brain, right? I’ve spent hours listening to them on YouTube. I’ve been combing their Instagram, all these like facets that are. Coming together in my mind, of like, how to plug in the stories and use their voice, and then, like you said, I think that’s a great idea. Actually, I have not done that brilliant. Take the scram chip, the transcripts, what are the common phrases that get repeated, and then go in and plug some of those in? Perfect. That would be a great way to use it. But I think we can be a writer and really own being unique, and it doesn’t take away to use AI if it’s used as a tool, and we don’t have to be downcast and downtrodden of like, AI is taking over. It’s like, oh no. It’s like the internet. It’s like Google Docs. Like, I could use a typewriter and print it out and white it out, but I’m really doing it in vain, like, when I can just type it on Google Docs. I also do own a typewriter side note, but that’s for fun.
Rob Marsh: Yeah. Well, now I got questions about typewriters, but I want to talk about ghost writing. So I know you have started to switch from writing smaller projects like blog posts or other things for your clients, and you are now moving into ghost writing books, which, again, is what most of us, before you know chatting today, usually think about ghost writing as. So can you talk a little bit about that switch from short form to long form? And you know what other things we ought to be thinking about as we reach out to this kind of a client?
Allison Evelyn: Yes, absolutely. I think what’s really interesting is we can get so used to the worlds we’re in that we aren’t thinking about other possibilities. Or if there’s certain walls we keep coming against, I have found in my journey in entrepreneurship and in career and honestly in life, like if there’s some wall I keep coming up against, there’s a time to sort of step back and go, Okay, is there some reason? Is there something that needs to change? And for me, and I will be so curious on, like, how many people listening feel this way? I realized one of my walls and one one factor that could be a sign you’re a fit to go into pursuing ghost writing books or like longer formats, is if it feels like you’re almost cutting your clients off. And what I mean by that is, I get so deep with my clients. I mean, I’m in their worlds. I know about their lives and their kids, and how their pets are doing? We’re holding up our cats to each other, like on Zoom and our cats are chatting. And, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s a we’re so deep in it with each other. And, you know, doing a sales page, doing emails, doing these launches, right? We have a more limited time. And I think I reached this point of, I love writing as people, I love serving them, but I feel like it’s so short, and I keep almost cutting them off, you know, like a therapist where, you know, the person really started opening up, and they’re like, ah, we really got to cut this time, because this is a short session, and this is all, you know, this is the bandwidth I have. And so I think what started to hit me was, oh my gosh. It’s because I meant to write longer form. I love getting into people’s worlds. I love spending hours creeping on them. I always tell my clients this line, I will say, you cannot send me too much. So I’ll say, Send me your brand guides. Send me the past videos of you, send me articles you’ve written, send me your favorite emails. Send me the data on your emails and I perform like I am a high input person. I want to see it all. I want to take it all in. I want to observe it. And so it started to click. Oh my gosh, because of the book you have this opportunity, you’re actually supposed to go that deep. You’re supposed to know you can’t know too much about them, like you are capturing them and embodying them in this really deeper format. And so that was something that really started to hit me, like, Why do I feel like I’m constantly having to cut things and end things so short, and it’s not feeling right, and like something’s feeling off. So I think that was a big one. And then second, I always love to do these check ins of, what am I personally really passionate about? Like, what do I obsess on in my free time? Like, what are the things I’m going into? What are the things I’m looking at? And I started finding myself going, okay, you know, I spent a lot of years deep in so many memberships and courses, and I was like, really, like, in so many areas of my life, and it was amazing, but I kind of moved into this place of, I, I’m, I’m, at core, a book lover. I’m sure, as writers, almost all of us are right. I, I have always had such an obsession. There was, like, a rule at our dinner table that you can’t have books because it was that severe, like we’d be sneaking books under the table of like, like, just obsessed with books, writing books from a young age. All was, they’re always stories about, like, orphaned animals that were trying to find parents, or this is, this is so dark. But I just found this story I wrote in fourth grade, and it was called alone. In the forest of doom, and it was this girl who had been kidnapped and thrown in a force to die.
Rob Marsh: Yikes. And there’s your brain. Yeah, a young brain. You need therapy.
Allison Evelyn: Oh we love therapy. It’ll be my next session of like, hey, if there’s anyone else who wrote dark stories as a child, please, uh, my Instagram, and I’ll be in the show notes, hit me up. We can talk. Um, yes, yes. This character was thrown into the forest, and she used to survive and, like, fight her way out, like, make it back to her family. And at the end, like, the mom is saying all these words to her of love and how much they missed her, and they just want her to be safe. And it’s so wild, because an adult I can see now, oh, that was, that was definitely stuff. My mom said to me that I was, that’s what I was doing right, as a young writer, and a ghost writer was like taking cues from the world around me, but when you think about the things you love. Like, I’ve gone back into my love of reading all the time. I’m an English Lit degree. You know, that was like when I studied. And I think there was a period where I was a lot more deep in memberships and courses and learning in that way. But who am I actually? What do I actually? What am I currently drawn to? And in the last few years, it’s books like my I’m constantly referencing some book I’m highlighting. I’m sending copies to people I have, you know, like The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. And so I think sometimes, if we’re feeling this confusion on, what am I supposed to be pursuing, what are, what should I be doing? Part of it is like, what are, what are you naturally drawn to? And so when I think about how much books have changed my life, that is a big one of, oh, I think that’s actually when I want to pursue writing, because I believe in the power of books. Like, when I’m talking about ghost reading someone’s book, I’m not selling someone. I’m not selling someone trying to convince them of something to like, some way to use me, or like, pay me I legitimately am, like, with my whole heart, every ventricle and aorta is going your story would change lives, and if you do not tell it, there’s all these people that would be so impacted. So it’s really easy, I think, when you believe in the power of something to naturally, want to do it and pour into it, and that would be kind of my I guess, final tidbit on book ghost writing and something that really signaled to me that that was something I was meant to pivot into. And someone listening might feel this way. I have realized the level I analyze books is wild, like I’m highlighting and partially it’s for the information, right? Partially it’s for, oh, that’s a great thing, but partially I’m going, that’s a great phrase, Oh, I see they did a story, they started halfway through the story, then they did a flashback, like, I’m analyzing how they told the story, how they set up the book, like how they structure their books, how they how they structure their book covers, like, all of those are things I am constantly I naturally love. And so if you know someone listening, is the same that also could be a signal of something that could be a great fit because you’re already studying it. You don’t even know it.
Rob Marsh: As I think about the process of writing a book for someone else, there’s probably a couple of different kinds of books people are looking for, you know, memoirs, you know, telling their story. There’s probably educational books. It’s like, you know, the seven things about starting a SaaS business kind of a thing. Maybe there’s a combination between the two. So as you’re entering into this, how are you thinking about how you’re helping clients identify the book that they need to write? So again, somebody may say, I need to, you know, I want to have a book. I’ve got some great stories, but there’s got to be some kind of a goal for the book. You know, am I just telling these stories to entertain my kids and my grandkids, or am I telling these stories in order to bring customers into my business? Because those are two really different books with probably very different structures, and you need to be telling stories in different ways, right? So, how are you thinking about that kind of stuff as you approach these kinds of projects?
Allison Evelyn: Absolutely. Well, I mean, first is like, the call to action is always or what’s the heart, what’s the intent for? What the purpose is, is this a founder of a tech company who is going, Okay, I want to be established as a thought leader and be known for blank topic because I run a company where we do blank is it going to be their new sort of business card where they go to conference or speak at conferences, and they want to have this tangible, real life thing that people can hold and read and learn about them from and become the trusted expert? Right? And exactly, there’s a whole genre of book writing that is people who are older that want to have a memoir to pass on to their family and have that legacy. So I think that’s at the heart first, is absolutely going okay, what is the intention for the book and what’s the vision? Because that could change a lot. So for example, if it’s more educational and my I write my own, you know, fiction, I’m writing my own books that are fiction nonfiction, that is my voice, and that’s the way I get to have an outlet, and I get to be me, and I get to fully write someone else’s book. That’s also a joy, because I know there are people who go straight fiction. So for me, ghost writing, non fiction being my pivot. Ghost writing non fiction for study thought leaders, memoirs, and especially spaces in you know, tech, health and faith based Christian books, is okay? Is it to educate and show up as a thought leader? Because then it’s what one idea that immediately comes to me that you know, for my mindset and approaches, is this meant to be one book, or is this like a series you see doing so right from the get go, I want to know, is this more of a series, or is this more of a one off? Because if it’s a series, there might be, you know, like they, if they are teaching on something, we can go in with the mindset of, like, we’re going to talk about these three or four main audiences they have, and break it down so educational, I want to question first, if we’re going to do a series and then break it up that way, and also, how is it being used? So is this a book that has been especially for thought leaders and for education. Is this to be sold and to truly be an author and to have income, or is this something where you’re using it in part of a funnel and for credibility? Because it’s for a funnel and credibility, this is a lot more likely to be done as some sort of freebie, especially if it’s a could be a full size book, but probably like a shorter book, because there are more and more books coming out, right, that are more, you know, like 100 pages. It’s like a shorter version book, that’s top of funnel, something to bring to conferences. So really understanding how is it being used? Is it the end goal, just the book itself, or is it, just, as you said, is it a funnel into someone’s business, into someone’s, you know, expertise, credibility, that that sort of piece, I think when it comes to other sorts of like non fiction, I think my my heart, is definitely this sort of, you know, Inspiration and teaching something. And it might not be directly a memoir, but it’s like a sneaky memoir, because it’s going to be through storytelling. It’s going to be, you know, tapping into their own background, and I think a lot of it is helping them, the client, figure out what the topic is. Because a lot of times, just like mentioned before, people might come and say, Oh, I really want to write a book and I want to tell a story, or I want to share this part, but as you actually talk to them and work through them, like your new theme emerges. So I think if there’s education, if there’s a funnel, that’s easier to find the purpose sometimes, because naturally, if you, you know, lead a software business, and you run a certain type of software, you kind of know your call to action, you see your funnel. And then there’s more openness with a non fiction that’s more inspiring, or a memoir, like with a with a faith based book, or without a wellness book or, you know, so, you know, that is an experience where you’re kind of working with them a little bit more of like, what’s the story we want to tell? Why? And then helping them figure out what that story is, and then mapping it from there, as I think you can map a bit of the table of contents, but that’s really something that you’re gonna do in the process of ghost writing the book. As their stories come out, as the themes emerge, as they say that one line where you’re like, stop, stop. What did you just say? That’s a quote. That’s a quote. Hold up. Okay, we need that in there. So a lot of that ghost writing process is like extracting things from them figuring out their story, because that’s why someone hasbeen hired to ghost write a book that’s a whole other beast to do that and create that.
Rob Marsh: Is there any last advice or big things that you want to share with people who might be thinking about ghost writing?
Allison Evelyn: Yes, so there is a big one, and I shared it with this about Rob beforehand, because it was just so big on my heart. And what I want to say and make sure people know listening, is that whether you’re a copywriter or content creator, you’re a ghost writer, especially if you’re going into ghost writing as a writer, where we know we’re already behind screens, we’re in separate rooms. Times we’re not always seen, especially as a ghost writer, right, where someone else’s name is on it, unless you are co authoring, which can happen, right, where you can co author and your name is also in, you know, sort of the credits, or the, you know, the byline. But a lot of times, as a ghost writer, right, it is a true ghost writing is your name is not there. It is the other person. And what I want to highlight and make sure is known, because this is something I did not realize I struggled with. You know, 10 years ago, eight years ago, is that when you’re ghost ring for someone else, it’s not that their voice matters and yours does not. Your voice still matters. You as a person like you are created like so special, right? Each person, right, is created so wonderfully and uniquely, and all of our voices matter. And when we go through someone else, I have found, at least in my own experience, there was times where it was so easy for me to go, oh, they matter, and their story is this, and then I was like, I Shrunk myself because I thought I had to shrink my value as a person, for someone else to be lifted up. But that’s not what ghost writing is, right? Like ghost writing is Hold up. What a joy and a gift that I have, the joy, the excitement, the skill set to highlight someone else’s story, to draw it out of them, to tap into who they are, for even them to see more of who they are. I have people cry all the time when I read, when they’re like, reading the first thing I’ve written as them, because they go, Whoa, is that me? I’m like, yeah. And they’re like, did I say that? And like, Yes, you did. They’re like, what? Sometimes they need a day or two. Because they’re like, oh my gosh, I can’t say that. That’s too bold. I’m like, But you did say it, and they go, what? But it’s like the sweetest gift, right? You get to give someone, you get to showcase and highlight their story. And you have like that is a special place. Your place matters. It is not smaller. They are not bigger than you, even if they have more visibility in that way. And for example, I’m excited that I’m writing my own books, and then I’m also ghostwriting books, right? Like I get to have my voice. I don’t need to shrink or not say anything just because I’m a ghost writer. But even if you don’t write your own things publicly, I just really want to make sure, because I know we have so many writers that are so used to elevating other people, lifting them up, making sure they’re seeing that they love every word said that, then they feel smaller, and then they don’t push back, and they forget they have an authority and ownership role that really matters. And so you matter as a writer, as a ghost writer, you are not smaller than anybody else, and I really want you to know that.
Rob Marsh: Ally, if somebody wants to connect with you or even hop on your list, or listen to your relaunched podcast, which should be coming out any day now, if it’s not already out, where should they go?
Allison Evelyn: Its so wild to say that I am relaunching my podcast, but by the time this airs, it will be launched. So dear listener you are. I’m just so excited, because obviously being on podcasts, I love podcasts, and it’s another way I use my voice and I highlight other people’s stories. Once a ghostwriter, always someone who highlights stories. So you can do a few things. One, you can go to my Instagram or my website, which are Allison Evelyn. So I go by Ally, but I’ve had my URL for so long, I’m sticking with it for now, the full allisonevelyn.com, and also on my Instagram, where you can DM me. It’s me. I don’t have someone else in there, robot assistant or otherwise, that is me and my DM so say hi.
Tell me if you write dark stories, I have a freebie that we’re gonna list that’s gonna be in the show notes. It also be on my website, and it is I’m so excited to share this, because it’s something I wish I’d had many years ago when I was working as a ghost writer, even years in, this would have been great to have, and it’s my five like favorite ghost writing methods that truly will have clients just loving the work, like making it impactful, capturing the voice, just building on what we discussed today. And we’re gonna have a special script in there as well, and it’s a script for helping push back against clients when they read your words and they freak out, they’re too vulnerable.
So I know that can feel scary to push back. So I wanted to give you a script because I have used it many times, and it has given such confidence that I don’t even think about it anymore. It’s not even scary. So I’ll have that script in there, and then my podcast, now relaunched, is called Holy f, and it’s the podcast that makes you say Holy f, and the F stands for father, freedom and faith, and it’s telling stories, personal, global, from history, from the Bible, all these places that are telling amazing, jaw dropping stories that are so God, you cannot make them up. So I’m really excited for that. It’s going to be a place to reignite faith, hope, belief, because a lot of us are, we’re facing a lot of doubt, and we face a lot of things that we don’t know are possible, and so many arenas of just different topics that we can feel really downtrodden on. And so I wanted to create a place to tell stories that gave hope. We need good news in the world and things that are exciting. So you can also check it out there. But Rob, it’s been so fun to talk. I love getting to discuss stories and telling people stories, and I am so appreciative to have been here.
Rob Marsh: Yeah, it’s been amazing. Ali, thanks for coming back, and we’ll have all the links in the show notes, and who knows, maybe in three or four years, we’ll have you back again.
Thanks, to Allie for walking us through the ins and outs of ghost writing for clients, and especially for sharing the mental shifts that we need to make in order to move from the typical client to one that needs help with Thought Leadership and ghost writing.
As a ghost writer, it’s less about creating the voice or story for a brand or business, and more about magnifying the voice of an already existing person and helping them show up in the world in a bigger way. So many business leaders need this kind of help, and if Ally’s story and advice resonated with you, you may want to consider ghost writing as a service in your own business.
A couple of other resources that might help you as you step into the role of a ghost writer are workshops and playbooks that are inside the copywriter underground. These are workshops about creating your own intellectual property, finding your X Factor, that’s the thing that makes you different and better than other copywriters. And there’s a workshop about writing thought leadership. I know you probably don’t have a lot of time to watch workshops and add these skills to your skill set, which is why we are adding playbooks for each of the workshops inside The Underground.
Of course, you can watch the workshops for the in depth training, or you can use the three to four page playbook that pulls the most important concepts out of each of the workshops and gives you a step by step plan for things like finding your X Factor, creating your own intellectual property and writing thought leadership. These are plans that you can use immediately to accomplish more in your business, starting today. And if you’re interested in that, check out thecopywriterclub.com/tcu.