The Copywriter Think Tank Alumni Circle
What comes after
The Copywriter Think Tank?

You’ve made a ton of progress over the last twelve months...

Better clients. More money. Fewer working weekends (...and far less stress). And a more powerful mindset (hello, boundaries!). You’re probably doing things in your business that were nearly impossible to imagine pre-Think Tank.

But it’s time to explore what else is out there.

So, as you shift to whatever is next for you… we don’t want you to lose the momentum and the community of copywriters who helped make your time in The Copywriter Think Tank so valuable.

The Think Tank was the perfect place to network, get feedback on your copy, share ideas you want to try, promote your colleagues (and get promoted!), find inspiration, meet collaborators and business besties, and get support.

You may even have gotten a few leads in the group.

Do you really want to give that up? 

If not, we’ve got you covered.

The Think Tank Alumni Circle...

The place where former Think Tank members can connect, ask questions, partner on projects, share struggles, wins and leads, critique each others’ ideas and copy, and a lot more.

It’s not a mastermind, but it is an exclusive group for Think Tank members only, which means it’s an elevated business conversation. We’re not talking about how to land your first client, we’re talking about how to grow your business in a way that matches your unique vision.

It’s a group where you know every other member is investing in their businesses, experimenting with new ideas and offers, and bringing the same level of commitment and passion to their businesses as you do.

There are no retreats to commit to. No trainings or calls to fill up your calendar. And no check-ins with Kira and Rob to prepare for. What a relief, right? 

All that stuff is good—like, really good—but as good as it is, the real power of the Copywriter Think Tank is the circle of people who cheered you on as you tried new things and succeeded. And the new circle of colleagues (and friends) you’re about to connect with…

Because after hosting the Think Tank mastermind for 4 years, we’ve worked with an incredible community of copywriters and marketers we’re thrilled to connect you with inside this private membership.

Sure, you may already be buddies with the Think Tank members you collaborated with during your time in the Tank, but imagine the power in connecting with many other Think Tank grads who are eager to get to know you (and cheer you on!).

This is your chance to be in an exclusive community of folks who're all doing their own thing now (...and not necessarily copywriting!). We're talking about fellow alumni members who want to share leads and referrals.

You could strengthen your referral network and create new collaborative partnerships & opportunities by joining this Alumni Circle. 

And that’s why this post-Think-Tank thang includes all of this:

A private community of copywriters who “get it.” 
When we asked former TT members what they missed most, they told us it was the opportunity to hang out and engage with the other copywriters who are at the similar place in their businesses.

The TCC Facebook groups are solid, but there are a lot of newbies there. Having a small, exclusive group of next-level, experienced copywriters and marketiers to bounce ideas off—well, that kind of community is hard to find.

When you join the Think Tank Alumni Circle (yeah, that’s what we’re calling it), you’ll get full access to the new Alumni group (on Circle) where you share leads, ideas, wins, ask for feedback, and more. Just one lead… or one partnership… or even a single copy critique from others in the group could easily add thousands of dollars to your business this year.

The Think Tank Alumni Circle is a great way to keep in touch with the best people in your network. And meet new friends on a regular basis.

A VIP Ticket to TCCIRL—$850 Value.
You are coming to the next event, right? The high-level ideas, tactics, and insights are great, but hanging out with old friends and connecting with other copywriters is what the event is all about. And your VIP ticket gets you into just about everything at the event when you’re a TT Alumn.

And you already know we love to provide speaking opportunities to former TT members at IRL each year. We’ll start our search in the Alumni group when we’re looking for speakers for all of our events.

(After NOT traveling for over a year, we’re more than ready to plan and host a few events in the US and abroad in the years ahead! Lots of opportunities for you to speak on our stage.)

Private invite to an Alumni-only reception (with cocktails) at TCCIRL. $100+ Value.
It’s the most exclusive part of TCCIRL, but we’ve reserved a seat for you at the reception, then you’ll join us for a dinner with the current Think Tank members.

Promotional opportunities for TT alumni only.
You know we love to shine a light on the copywriters in our community, and we’re even more excited to support the people we believe in most (that’s you). So, while we can’t guarantee a certain number of promotional opportunities per year, we can say we’re not shy about promoting you and your offers through our TCC platform. And we’ll continue to give our TT alumni members priority access to our platform for promo opportunities. (Of course, we’ll vet all promo opportunities to ensure it’s a good fit for the TCC community.)

Three Private Virtual Networking Events (sometimes facilitated discussions, sometimes guest speakers)—$900 Value.
Connect with your fellow alumni virtually throughout the year during three private networking events, designed to help you build new relationships, discuss topics most relevant to you, and even discover new ways you can think about your business with top guest presenters and workshops. We’ll host three 90-minute sessions to facilitate both networking and deep discussions in an intimate setting so all you need to do is how up and be yourself.

The Copywriter Underground—$1,044 Value.
Most former Think Tank members stick around in this group too… whether it's for the community, the templates, and trainings, or the monthly newsletter mailed to your home… so we’ve added full access to The Underground to your membership in the TT Alumni Circle.

Exclusive Think Tank Alumni Swag—Priceless.
The opportunity to wear a Think Tank logo to your next neighborhood party? Priceless, right? Okay, maybe not priceless, but you know we like to share gifts with The Think Tank… we’ll do the same for you as an Alum. Make sure you tell us your shirt size. Your hat size. Your sock size. And maybe your bookshelf size.

An Invitation to an IRL Retreat.
You'll also have the opportunity to attend a Think Tank Live Retreat just in case getting together once a year at the event isn’t enough for you. As you know, these are normally reserved for current Think Tank members only. There’s an additional charge for each retreat you attend (to cover food, drink, and accommodations), but when travel resumes we’d love to hang out with you again.

Special “Come Back” Price on The Think Tank when you return.
Maybe you left the Think Tank “for a while” to execute and get more done in your business—with the intention of coming back when you’re ready for more intense feedback and accountability. As a member of the Alumni Circle, you preserve the right to return to the Think Tank at the same monthly price you paid as a member—no matter how much the price may increase in the future.

So what’s my investment?

It’s hard to put a price on all of that… honestly, how do you put a value on community and friendships? But as we add up the value of everything the Alumni Group includes, we got to $4,231… then lost count. And that’s before adding in any revenue from leads or partnerships that may come your way as a member.

You already know that we’re not going to charge anything close to that much to join. Membership in The Alumni Circle is just $197 a month, which is just about what you would pay for a VIP IRL ticket and membership to The Copywriter Underground—and you’re already planning on joining us for both of those, right?. But in the Alumni Circle, you get a lot more… the community, networking events, swag, and the opportunity to join us for a retreat.

Just one lead from someone else in the group (or from Rob and Kira) will more than pay for a whole year’s membership.

Just one more detail... this is an annual membership, billed monthly. You need to be a current member of the Alumni Circle to get your IRL ticket and Underground benefits. Of course you can always buy them separately, but why when you get all this other stuff?

So the next step is up to you.

You can ease out of The Copywriter Think Tank and keep the community (and a bunch of other great stuff).

Or you can go cold turkey and figure it all out on your own. No judgement—okay, maybe just a little judgement.

We’re kicking everything off on June 1st…

So click that link now to reserve your spot in
The Think Tank Alumni Circle...

What other Alumni are saying…

Just kidding… this is new.

So no one has said anything about it—yet.

But we’d love you to be the first. Assuming you’ll say nice things, of course.

But before you can do that… you’ve got to join.

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